*Song Credit:
Original Song's detail and link.
Song: Hridayako Bhari (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_lAT...)
Composed/Writted by Suresh B.k
Sung by Adrian Dewan
Arranged Daniel Gadal
Guitars Abel sherpa
Drums and percussion Sumy Gadal
Flute Nagendra Rai
Sarangi Manice Gandharva
Mixed and Mastered Robin Chhetri
Audio Station Den Studios
Vocal Recorded @ Kairos Studio
*Uploaded By-
Nepalichristian Melody- https://www.youtube.com/@nepalichrist...
* Cover Dance By Fattepur Church Youth in Christmas 2022
Dancers : Nista Magar, Arusha Shrestha, Ashma Bhandari, Merika Magar, Grace Rai and Muna Tamang
Choreographer: Nista Magar
Camera/Video Editing: Aashish Gurung and Ashish Thapa Magar.
# Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FattepurChurch
# Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/FattepurChurch
# Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fattepurchurch
Thanks heartily to all supporters, SUBSCRIBERS for your like, comment and share.
⛔ If you have any information regarding this video then contact us
Email: [email protected]
+9779808068291 | Aashish Gurung
+9779805902408 | Ashish Thapa Magar